
The Wellbeing team at Casey Fields Primary School works to support the needs of students from Grades Prep to 6. The wellbeing team engage with individuals and in group capacities with students to develop a range of skills that support in classroom engagement including:

  • Social skills & positive relationships.
  • Strategies for emotional regulation & behavioural regulation.
  • Empowering students to achieve positive mental wellbeing by using a strength-based approach.
  • Support student safety and welfare.
  • Liaise with teaching staff to develop additional supports for student engagement.

The team consists of two youth workers who work collaboratively with leadership, teaching staff and students to provide the students of Casey Fields Primary with opportunities to utilise a youth voice in decision-making in their own wellbeing journey.


The Wellbeing Space

The Wellbeing Hub shares a space with the library in which allows for students to access a quiet space during times that they may need it. Students are welcome to use the space when they are overwhelmed or need additional support from the Wellbeing Team, or, when they are hoping to engage in Wellbeing Club which operates:

  • Monday lunchtime for Year 4,5,6
  • Wednesday lunchtime for Preps & Years 1, 2, 3

The Wellbeing Hub is stocked with fun boardgames, card games and interactive activities which can be used to support in prosocial engagement during Wellbeing Club, as well as group sessions facilitated by the youth workers.


The Team

Wellbeing Co-Ordinator
Scott French – Assistant Principal

Sub-school Leaders
Samantha Kwong (P-2)
Natalie D’Dadazzio (3-6)

Youth Workers
Nathan Balenovic – Youth Worker
Sema Yavas – Youth Worker

If you would like additional information on Wellbeing at CFPS, please feel free to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher or contact the Wellbeing team through the school office. To speak with a member of the Wellbeing team, please contact Casey Fields Primary School and ask to speak with the Wellbeing Co-ordinator or a team member. Thank you for your attention.

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