Term Dates and School Bells

Term Dates

Term 1
Monday 29th January – Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 30th January – Term 1 commences (Students 1-6)
Tuesday 1st February – Term 1 commences (Prep)
Friday 29th March –  Good Friday Public Holiday (Term 1 Concludes)

Term 2
Monday 15th April – Term 2 Commences
Friday 28th June  – Term 2 Concludes

Term 3
Monday 15th July – Term 3 Commences
Friday 20th September – Term 3 Concludes

Term 4
Monday 7th October – Term 4 Commences
Friday 20th December – Term 4 Concludes

School Bells

First bell – 8.35am
School commences – 8.45am
Recess – 11.15am to 11.45am
Lunch – 1.30pm to 2.10pm
End of Day – 3.00pm

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